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Julius Rodriguez:
Label Verve 00602465376753
online distribution


Julius Rodriquez clarinet, guitar, piano, Hammond B-3 organ, Fender Rhodes, synthesizer, bass, drums
Nicole McCabe alto sax
Chris Lewis tenor sax
Emilio Modeste sax
Alonzo Demetrius trumpet
Keyon Harrold trumpet
Nate Mercereau guitar, synthesizer
Declan Miers bass
Philip Norris bass, drums
Jermaine Paul bass
Brian Richburg jr drums
Luke Titus drums
Jay Adlher vocals
Georgia Ann Muldrow vocals


Track List
01: Mission Statement
02: Funmi’s Groove
03: Around The World
04: Road Rage
05: Many Times
06: Rise And Shine
07: Run To It (The CP Song)
08: Love Everlasting
09: Stars Talk
10: Champion’s Call


While Julius Rodriguez, born in 1998, proved to be a swinging tradition-lover with his own ideas about sound on his 2022 debut "Let Sound Tell All", he now shows himself to be much more of a child of his age cohort on the follow-up. Rodriguez, who is already highly talented on the piano, synthesizer and drums, takes the multitasking that is a matter of course for Generation Z even further by picking up the clarinet, electric bass and various guitars on "Evergreen".
And the pieces also thrive on the refusal to commit to a clear definition. They use genre fluids from different eras, sometimes reminiscent of Moog-infused fusion evocations from the 1970s with angularly programmed contemporary piano ("Mission Statement"), sometimes of the ironic retro soul of bands like Vulfpeck ("Run To It"), sometimes of melancholic autotune pop ("Road Rage"). The amazing thing about the recording is how tidy and unpretentious it is despite the variety of musical information popping up simultaneously. Rodriguez, who is notable as a soloist on piano and drums, has a good knack for curating the contributions of a number of guests such as singer Georgia Anne Muldrow, trumpeter Keyon Harrold and alto saxophonist Nicole McCabe in such a way that they develop a similar addictive potential to TikTok without slipping into banality. Combined with the positive, sometimes downright exuberant mood (listen tip: "Many Times"), "Evergreen" has an effect that is contagious across generations.
Josef Engels @ (transl. by Google)


Sound Samples
MP3 n/a Spotify complete album:
Julius Rodriguez - Evergreen


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